Lemon Tart

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Experience the vibrant allure of our Tarte au Citron, a masterpiece of French patisserie that promises an unforgettable journey for the senses. Each slice  features a buttery, flaky crust that crumbles at the touch, providing a textural contrast to the silky, zesty lemon topping. Wemeticulously balance the tartness of fresh lemons with just the right amount of sweetness, creating a filling that is both invigorating and indulgent, its bright citrus notes dancing gracefully on the palate.

Our Tarte au Citron is crowned with a cloud of lightly whipped cream, adding a luxurious, silky finish that complements the tart’s zesty profile. The whipped cream is not merely an accompaniment but an integral component that elevates the dessert to new heights of decadence. Its airy texture and subtle sweetness provide the perfect counterpoint to the tart’s vibrant intensity, resulting in a dessert that is as visually stunning as it is delicious.


Perfect for any occasion, our Tarte au Citron with Whipped Cream is more than just a dessert; it’s an experience. It invites you to indulge in a moment of pure bliss, where the bright zest of lemon and the creamy softness of whipped cream converge in a symphony of flavours. Join us in celebrating the art of French baking and let this iconic dessert transport you to the charming cafes of Paris with each exquisite forkful.